tattoo wim. made for a school project about working people. - Nieuws uit Groningen - Tattoo Wim omgekomen bij ongeluk
tattoo wim. made for a school project about working people.
tattoo wim
Wim Delvoye. Monday, November 24th, 2008. Tags: tattoo, wim delvoye

Tags: tattoo, wim delvoye. Posted in Art | Comments Off

above: a dead stuffed pig featuring Wim Delvoye's tattoos
Tattoo Wim(46) verongelukt op de N362 Midwolda
En nou zal ik ophouden [A] anywayys, ik vind tattoo's geweldig! maar denk
Tattoo Wim(46) verongelukt op de N362 Midwolda
wim-delvoye-tattoo-pig-sebastien.jpg (54 KB)
Find More in: art, Art Farm, pig tattoo, Wim Delvoye, WTF
Wim Tattoo
Wim Tattoo

"It's art because it got sold" Wim Delvoye,
To my fascination, the video showed contemporary Belgian artist, Wim Delvoye
Hyves resultaten voor: tattoo wim
Some of you may remember Louise, artist Wim Delvoye's tattooed creation once

Belgian artist Wim Delvoye Tattooed Pigs
Les cochons tatous (The tattooed pigs) by Belgian artist Wim Delvoye is seen
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